The Retreats
About the Retreats
¨Who am I?¨
This is the question of questions upon which the Being with Cows Retreats are founded.
In essence, they are an invitation to simply be quiet. To acknowledge thought as just being thought, nothing more, nothing less and nothing to do with our real self.
They are an opportunity to see without identifying with what is seen, to be rather than believe, imagine or expect.
There is no guide or guru to teach you the way, for you are the way itself.
Safe in the arms of a very beautiful natural landscape, it is the Heart we are in essence that reaches out in stillness.
The cows, the forest, the flower meadows, the birds and bees and host of wildlife that light up this beautiful land, simply serve to remind us of what it means to be quiet and free of even the faintest idea of separation.
What To Expect at Our Retreats
Practically speaking, the Retreats take several different forms throughout the season and may typically include:
Meditational sessions in the company of the cows;
Walking meditations in and around the farm and local landscapes;
Wildlife walks with opportunities to see wild boar, roe and red deer, badgers, foxes, genets and a host of birdlife including vultures and golden eagles;
Outdoor Yoga sessions with breath-taking views of the Pyrenees mountains;
Wild food and foraging;
Whatever shape or form the Retreats may take, the essence always remains the same – simply being quiet.
In the words of Ramana Maharshi:
“Let come what comes, let go what goes. See what remains.”
Upcoming Dates

Please read our cancellation policy before booking.